Thursday, November 24, 2011

Tastes Like Turkey

Via GameSpy
This Thanksgiving blog post almost turned into a #FirstWorldProblems-themed thing, but nuts to that.  Instead, here's some things from the gaming world that I am truly thankful for:

- I'm thankful for games that autosave when you walk through a door or enter a new area, giving me just enough of a safety net for the times I'm having too much fun to think about saving my game.

- I'm thankful for companies that listen to their players and actually respond to their half-cocked, MONSTER-and-Cheetos-induced verbal sludge that are most video game forums.  It leads to amazing, "I never thought they'd do that" moments.

- I'm thankful for a gamer wife who still is practical enough to hit me over the head when I'm neglecting important things, like cleaning the litter box or personal hygiene.  Love you, babe.

- I'm thankful for the ability to change difficulty on the fly, because sometimes you feel like a challenge, and sometimes you feel like you just... need... to clear... this level...

- I'm thankful that even while video gaming looks like it's being swallowed up by massive corporations, independent developers still prove a good idea like Minecraft is worth its weight in diamonds.

- I'm thankful that I have fresh, reliable batteries waiting at home for my Xbox controller, because playing Skyrim ran the ones I had DRY.

Happy Thanksgiving, and happy holidays ahead!

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